Monday, October 8, 2007

Hi from Innsbruck, Austria!

Hi everyone,
Well we are in Innsbruck, Austria and we are still doing great. During our second day in Como we went out for the taxi ride on the lake and saw wonderful villas on the waters edge. We rode up to a big villa called Bollagio with gardens and walked around. But we messed up on the time to come back and so we just rode the taxi boat back. didnt have time to get off anywhere else. But the taxi ride was great. Clear weather and warm breezes. Lake Como is like a huge upside down letter Y and it took several hours just to do one section of it.
The next day we took a local train down to Milan. What an incredible city. It was waz bigger than we expected. We walked from the train station down toward the Duomo which is their big plaza with their huge cathedral. what we didnt know what that this church is the 3rd largest in the world. The outside is ornate in Gothic style and unbelievable detail. The church inside was dark and dark stone but very tall and I love the gorgous stain glass windows. the colors are so vibrant when the sun shines through them, I could stare at them forever. We then walked through a huge fortress that is in the center of town that a Viscount built in the 1300s.
We have been on the move and staying busy.
But yesterday we took the train from Como to Innsbruck and we went through ´Zurich. It took 4 hours to get there and then 4 hours to get from Zurich to Innsbruck. We were exhausted last night but we got a train this time with an actual compartment. Like what the kids ride in going to Hogwarts in the Harry Potter movies.But the train system is great over here and its too bad that Americans cant figure this out, because the pollution over here is so much less.
Today we found another sightseeing tour bus around Innsbruck and we took trams up to the mountain peak called Hafelekarspitze at about 7000 feet. It was something to stand that high and see the Austrian alps to the north and south and could determine where Switzerland and Italy was from up there. Is is so easy to find a perch on a wall and just sit and soak in the grandeur of the mountain jagged peaks and the spectacular views. I know that the pictures when we get home wont do them justice.
We are eating good. We arnt begging for food yet. We discovered that the grocery stores are pretty cheap. So we eat our free breakfast at the hotel, we make peanut butter and jam sandwiches (Nutella chocolate sandwiches), fruit and cookies and then eat out for dinner at restaurants. Its really making a difference in the high cost over here.
Miss you all very much. We are going back to our hotel and going to the basement to swim at their cool looking hotel swimming pool.
Take care and talk to you soon. Love from all of us to all of yzou.
Please forgive the typing errors, its still an european computer keyboard!

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